Gaining Confidence in Your Ever-Changing Mind
How the Ten Commandments of Self-Brain Surgery™ lead to hope
Over the past ten weeks, we have covered The Ten Commandments of Self-Brain Surgery in great detail. And last week on the podcast, we discovered how they connect to scripture.
Today, I want to convince you that you have tremendous power to:
Change long-held limiting beliefs
Get unstuck
Overcome grief, trauma, tragedy, or any other massive thing in your life
Defeat overwhelm, anxiety, depression, and stress
Unlearn harmful mental habits
Recover from addiction
Break through to a higher level of performance in any area of your life
The power is already wired into you, and learning the ways in which neuroscience and faith smash together is the key to deciding to stop thinking you’re a helpless patient and believe that you are a trained and capable self-brain surgeon.
This is the mental shift that following the Ten Commandments of Self-Brain Surgery will help you make. It is life-changing, and it brought a thousand people to their feet in San Antonio three weeks ago when they decided to move from the left side of this picture to the right side.
Next week we start the training, and I will teach you specific operations for many of the issues we face in life. You will gain confidence that you can change your mind and change your life, and you will feel the chains dropping off as the things that have held you back begin to yield to your mental force.
Say this with me:
I have decided to stop committing self-malpractice (1st Commandment, Romans 12:1)
I no longer believe that everything I feel is true, since I know that feelings are really just chemical events in my brain (2nd Commandment, Psalm 139:23)
I do not have to think every thought that pops into my head, since I know that 80% of them are untrue. I will biopsy them instead before reacting to them automatically (3rd Commandment, II Corinthians 10:5)
I do not have to react like I’ve always reacted, because I am not just my brain (4th Commandment, II Timothy 1:7)
I will love tomorrow more than I hate what I feel right now, so I reject the easy numbing of self-anesthesia and instead choose the work of healing (5th Commandment, Matthew 6:34)
I don’t have to wear myself out or overcomplicate things anymore, and I will stop making an operation out of it, since I know that my nervous system operates best in a calmer, more rested state (6th Commandment, Isaiah 30:15)
I understand that I inherited some of the things I used to believe could define my future, but now I know that even my genes will obey my mind, and my future- even for my family- can be redefined by the power of epigenetics (7th Commandment, Ephesians 5:15)
I am not stuck with the brain I have, but I am determined to take care of my brain and learn to make it work in the best way possible, which is a great act of worship (8th Commandment, Proverbs 4:20-22)
I know that I am getting better at what I’m doing, because my brain wires and automates whatever I tell it to focus on, so I will begin to get better at things that make me become healthier, feel better, and be happier (9th Commandment, Philippians 1:6)
I know that what I choose to think about becomes my reality, because thoughts become things, and I am going to think about better things from now on (10th Commandment, Proverbs 23:7)
Self-Brain Surgery is a lifestyle. It’s not a metaphor, it’s the mechanism of how you take control of your thinking and make your brain do what you need it to do instead of believing it’s in charge of what you do. It’s a position of power and strength, and in knowing that God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7).
If you’ve been using self-brain surgery and it’s been helping you, please take a moment to video yourself and send me a testimonial. This will help other people find out about it, and we’ll all grow healthier together. Use this button to send in a short testimonial!
Be sure to check out last week’s lesson if you missed it.
Announcement: We’re starting The School of Self-Brain Surgery™ soon. If you’re interested in knowing more about The School, click here to be notified when it’s ready to go live.
We’re going all in on believing that we have the tools to change our minds and change our lives. Living from a mind-down perspective changes everything, and it helps us harness the transforming changes to our lives that the Bible promises in Romans 12.
And the good news is, you can start today.
If you need a treatment plan to help you overcome any kind of trauma, tragedy, or massive thing in your life, check out my latest book, Hope Is the First Dose.
Lisa and I are praying for you.
Dum spiro spero (While I breathe, I hope),
Psalm 71:14 ("As for me, I will always have hope.")
P.S. If you think these lessons are valuable, please consider sharing this with friends. If you share with three or more people and they sign up, you can get free access to my paid subscriber content!
From the banks of the North Platte river on Moon River Ranch in Nebraska, USA
Do you ever have retreats or conferences?
This goes really well with the Limbic System Rewiring Program I am in. So thankful for this