We have a brand new episode of Spiritual Brain Surgery available now! Join me for a great Tuesdays with Tata conversation about the neuroscience and spiritual impact of forgiveness.
Would you do me a favor please?
Have you been using self-brain surgery and seeing positive changes? I’d love to hear your story! A quick video testimonial from you could inspire and help others discover this life-changing tool. Let’s grow healthier together! Click the button below to share your experience—it only takes a moment!
If you need a treatment plan to help you overcome any kind of trauma, tragedy, or massive thing in your life, check out my latest book, Hope Is the First Dose.
Lisa and I are praying for you.
Dum spiro spero (While I breathe, I hope),
Psalm 71:14 ("As for me, I will always have hope.")
From the banks of the North Platte river on Moon River Ranch in Nebraska, USA