
Some Thoughts On Your Brain

And a new Tuesdays with Tata episode!

I released this video for the paid subscribers a couple of weeks ago, but it’s been nagging me that I should share it with everyone. As we get into the rhythms of a new year, most people (at least according to research), and what you thought was going to be a breakthrough year turns out to be just another January. And, if this is happening to you year after year, you can begin to believe that change is only possible for other people.

When we make such a decision and embrace a core belief that we are stuck or somehow programmed to be a certain way, then we begin to believe that our brains, bodies, genetics, or circumstances have power to “make” us behave or live in certain ways.

That’s what this video is about: how YOU can actually change, using YOUR brain. Check it out!

Also, we have a brand-new episode of Tuesdays with Tata on The Spiritual Brain Surgery Podcast! Tata and I had a great talk about suffering, and there’s some surprising and good news for you in this episode.

Tuesdays with Tata Podcast

If you like the video, consider upgrading to become a paid subscriber. They get videos like this every week, plus access to the entire catalog of all my posts and videos on Substack. It’s an insane value at $10/month or $100/year, and the price is going up soon to $15/month and $125/year. If you subscribe now for a year, you can lock in the lower price and get access to our monthly live “Ask Me Anything” sessions that will start for the paid subscribers in February!

Self-Brain Surgery™ with Dr. Lee Warren is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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