It's been 14 years since I had the avm rupture in my right temporal and pariatal places in my brain and I still struggle every day with my memory and get all jumbled up sometimes to where I don't do the same thing the same way. For example, mowing the lawn. I start one way then switch it up unknowingly. Another example, driving from one destination to another. I'll drive a completely different way, going out of me way to make it home. Another is cleaning my house. I start one thing, see another thing that needs done and I start that, get going on that, then remember the original thing. Then the cycle repeats.

The only thing I do consistently is read my daily Bible reading plan and devotionals, so at least I get to do that first regularly.

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God is with you. Be kind to yourself and things will improve. Sometimes the ways God comes through isn’t what we wanted or expect but it is better than we had hoped for.

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