This is so good!

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Sep 1Liked by Dr. Lee Warren

This afternoon a person in my closest circle neglected to include me on decision that was important to me. The decision was broadcast into a text thread that caught me completely off guard. Because it occurred on the heals of some other related experiences, I felt sad and left out which rapidly snowballed into a thought (which I believed) of “now this person is against me”.

After a whole month of being “All In”. I lost it! I began to cry and felt overwhelmed. I was believing my feelings.

Fortunately, because I participated in All In August, I fell back on a “tiny level of preparedness” and I responded to the individual with some small measure of grace which resulted in the person calling me.

It took about an hour to unwind the situation and come to a place where our relationship is restored.

It turns out, my snowball of cascading thoughts of sadness and aloneness are not completely true. The situation “felt” like some other things I have experienced historically and so my brain was using an old neural pathway to “explain the details to me”….which in this case where neither true, or helpful to getting to the truth.

Thank you Dr. Warren for highlighting The Second Commandment of Self-Brain Surgery today. It was the grace and guidance I needed and led to reconciliation over isolation. What could have lead to difficult dynamics for a whole group of people is resolved.

I know that All Is August is a heavy lift for yourself, Lisa, Tata and rest of the DLW Crew. I want to personally thank you and encourage to you to know that You Are Making A Difference.

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Amazing! So glad the work is helping you.

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Sep 1Liked by Dr. Lee Warren

Hi Dr Lee,

I have been practicing All in August this month. Last week I got the Big T trauma diagnosis. Let me tell you as a neurosurgical nurse, my mind is going in a million places of worry and terror. However, todays newsletter about feelings are not facts was the “hey look in my eyes” moment. I have chosen to develop my thinking from a mind down perspective and this months podcasts were helpful. The feelings of terror are chemical bomb events (you used a Greek word like scattered thinking) when this worry happens. I have gained so much knowledge listening to you, but am locking down my brain surgery practices to change my mind about this health scare. I need some specialists and know God is with me. Thank you for all that you and your team do, God bless the work of your hands

Sue (Canada)

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Praying for you!

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