Hi, Dr. Warren, just found your podcast. Thanks so much. I appreciate your aim to help Christians live out Romans 12:2. Live brain transformation.
Have you read the Connection Code? Phyllis and Glen Hill talk about the importance of expressing your core emotions. I was just wondering if you have or would ever do a critique on this concept or at least a comparison of these two strategies for healing.
I love this episode but I heard something that some of your listeners might have also heard.
Anne Frank's diary survived the war. Through her writing we know her, as if she has survived.
Yes-I also noticed this.
Hi, Dr. Warren, just found your podcast. Thanks so much. I appreciate your aim to help Christians live out Romans 12:2. Live brain transformation.
Have you read the Connection Code? Phyllis and Glen Hill talk about the importance of expressing your core emotions. I was just wondering if you have or would ever do a critique on this concept or at least a comparison of these two strategies for healing.
I wish I could upload a picture of my son Skyler from a couple years back... he's COVERED in cheetos dust. I emailed it to him. So cute!