When life makes your situation seem impossible, you have to have a strategy ready. Here it is. Self-brain surgery tip #4:
The more you think about something, the more easily it returns to your mind in the future. Synapses that fire together, wire together. This is why negative thinking is so harmful: it automates negativity in your brain. Change it to something positive!
A few thoughts on generational family issues, neuroscience, and the power of Jesus to break chains.
Music by Jesus Culture
Scriptures Mentioned
Isaiah 55:11
Deuteronomy 7:9
Numbers 14:18
Exodus 34:7
Ezekiel 18:20
Sign up for my Substack letter here. (Music shared on The Dr. Lee Warren Podcast is authorized under BMI license #61063253 and ASCAP license #400010513 ) Go to my website www.wleewarrenmd.com for more information about my letter, this show, my books, and more.
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