The Neuroscience of Possibility
Self-Brain Surgery™ helps you change mental movies and overcome limitations
For 300 Years, This Was Impossible
What do brain surgery and running a 4-minute mile have in common?
Most people would say, “Nothing.”
But the truth is, they have everything to do with each other—because doing impossible things requires changing your mind first. That’s what I call Self-Brain Surgery™—learning how to use your mind to reshape your brain and unlock new possibilities.
The Bannister Effect: Changing the Mental Movie
Before May 6, 1954, it was widely believed that no human could run a mile in under 4 minutes. Doctors even warned that attempting it could be deadly.
But Roger Bannister ran a different mental movie in his mind. Instead of accepting the “fact” that a 4-minute mile was impossible, he visualized himself doing it, over and over again.
Then, on a rainy, cold day—when the conditions were far from perfect—he did what had never been done. 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds.
But Bannister’s record-breaking mile was not even the most fascinating part of the story- we’ll get to that in a moment.
For now, let’s talk about the mental movies we all watch in our minds. These movies project onto our brains and turn our thoughts into the things—our beliefs, actions, relationships, habits, etc.—that shape our lives.
Be Careful Little Eyes What You See
The mental model you’ve constructed in your mind determines what you believe to be possible for you. These core beliefs form the thoughts and feelings your brain uses to influence the mental movie you see about your life. If you believe that the movie is a documentary and that it always shows you the truth, then you will be stuck with the ending the movie shows you.
However, if you learn to direct the show with self-brain surgery, you can write a different outcome for yourself. The most important decision you can make, then, is to decide to believe and capitalize on this truth:
One must never forget that in the drama of existence we are ourselves both actors and spectators. —Niels Bohr
Realizing that you don’t just have to sit back and watch your real life play out just like the movie you see in your mind allows you to believe that you can become an actor too, and not just a spectator.
Quantum physics and modern neuroscience tell us that how we observe and interact with the world around us has creative power to change the realities in which we live. This is consistent with scripture, which tells us that humans flourish when they change their minds (see Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:23, II Corinthians 10:5).
Sunday Shoutout:
This week’s newsletter was inspired by the great work our friend Kristin Smedley is doing with her Thriving Blind Academy! She invited me to be a part of her recent online “Succeed Without Sight” summit, and the talk I gave led to the idea for this letter!
The Most Fascinating Part?
“Experts” had written as far back as the 1600s that humans could not run a mile in under four minutes. It was impossible.
But Roger Bannister—who, by the way, was not the fastest runner of his day and had rivals who had beaten him in races before—had a different mental model. He believed that it was possible for him to run a sub-four-minute mile.
To me, the most fascinating part of the story, though, is what happened after Bannister smashed the four-minute barrier.
After hundreds of years of people believing (and even writing about) that it was impossible, Roger Bannister broke the mental model everyone else had about what was possible for human runners.
Just 45 days later, an Australian runner named John Landy broke Bannister’s record—running a mile in 3 minutes, 57.9 seconds. (The story of Bannister and Landy’s race later that summer, in which they BOTH ran a sub-4 mile, is told in Alex Hutchinson’s amazing book, Endure*).
Within ten years, over 50 others had done it, and today, almost 1,700 runners have run a sub-four-minute mile, including several high school students!
The barrier was never physical. It was mental.
What This Means for You
We all face barriers—whether they come from past experiences, personal limitations, societal expectations, or deeply ingrained beliefs about ourselves. But the good news is that your brain is designed to adapt. The science of neuroplasticity proves that your thoughts literally change the structure of your brain. But most people are held back by three common lies:
“I am just my brain.” – You are more than your neurons and genes.
“I am how I am because of my brain.” – Your past or biology does not define you.
“I am how I am because of my trauma/disability/circumstances.” – Your identity is shaped by how you respond, not just what happens to you.
Blindness provides some of the clearest proof of neuroplasticity in action. Studies show that the visual cortex of blind individuals gets repurposed for touch, hearing, and even echolocation. Some blind people can read Braille faster than sighted people can read print. Others, like Daniel Kish, use echolocation to ride bikes and navigate the world without assistance.
It’s not magic. It’s neuroscience—and it applies to any limitation or challenge you may face.
The Self-Brain Surgery Mindset Shift
The truth is:
“I am not just my brain or my circumstances. I am my response to everything that happens.”
Say it with me: “I am not just my trauma. I am who I choose to become.”
This principle is not just science—it’s deeply spiritual. Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Faith and neuroscience both point to the same truth: transformation starts in your mind. God has given us the ability to choose our thoughts, and in doing so, we shape our future.
This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Mara Labs
Optimizing brain health isn’t just about thought patterns—it’s also about fueling our bodies with the right nutrients. That’s why BrocElite is one of the supplements Lisa and I take every day.
Ask my mom- I don’t like broccoli. But broccoli is the best source of sulforaphane on the planet. Fortunately, Mara Labs has a solution if you—like me—would prefer to get your sulforaphane in an easier way than eating broccoli. BrocElite® is the only broccoli supplement on the market offering naturally derived Stabilized Sulforaphane in a capsule.
It's packed with a clinically relevant dose of 5mg of Stabilized Sulforaphane per capsule to offer 39 distinct pro-health benefits including protecting brain function, blocking inflammation, and enabling detoxification.
Your Call to Action
Bannister proved that when one person breaks through, it paves the way for others.
If you believe you’re stuck, limited, or defined by your circumstances, remember this:
“I can’t change my life until I change my mind.”
And the best news? You can start today.
God has already equipped you with everything you need to break through whatever is holding you back. You are not bound by your past, your genetics, or your limitations. What’s possible for you is determined not by external factors—technology, medicine, or opportunities—but by your mindset and your faith.
The Barrier That Wasn’t There
The four-minute mile was never a real limit.
It was just a widely accepted belief.
Once it was shattered, it became commonplace.
So what if the thing keeping you from the life you want isn’t reality—but just a mental barrier waiting to be broken?
Here’s what I’ve learned:
Not everything is possible for everyone, but what is possible will remain impossible until you change your mind.
What you can do in your life is limited by the mental movie you allow yourself to watch—and whether you’re willing to do the work to change it.
Because here’s the truth:
You are not stuck. You are not too late. You are not limited.
The only thing standing between you and what’s possible…
Is what you’re willing to believe.
Time to run your mile.
Lisa and I are praying for you.
Dum spiro spero (While I breathe, I hope),
Psalm 71:14 ("As for me, I will always have hope.")
From the banks of the North Platte river on Moon River Ranch in Nebraska, USA
Share this message with someone who needs to learn the life-changing power of self-brain surgery, and we’ll get after it together!
We’re going all in on believing that we have the tools to change our minds and change our lives. Living from a mind-down perspective changes everything, and it will help you harness the transforming power the Bible promises in Romans 12.
And the good news is, you can start today.
Be sure to check out the archive of previous posts if you missed last week’s letter.
If you need a treatment plan to help you overcome any kind of trauma, tragedy, or massive thing in your life, check out my latest book, Hope Is the First Dose.
*This is an Amazon affiliate link. We will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase using our link.
Hello Dr. Warren,
How do I change my negative belief system and develop a more positive belief system? What is the most effective ways to change from a normative belief system to a positive one ?
Thank you ,
Hi Dr. Warren,
Thanks for responding to my email message. I tend to have a negative belief system in how I sew myself and my life in general . This is partly due to having severe bipolar disorder and ADHD and recently being diagnosed with having sustained a brain injury in 22. My whole life has turned upside down due to the brain injury I sustained .