How do I change my negative belief system and develop a more positive belief system? What is the most effective ways to change from a normative belief system to a positive one ?
Hi Vinny! Do you mean to say you have a problem with negative thinking in general, or do you mean by "belief system" that you genuinely have a tendency to believe that things won't work out for you, that you're going to be unsuccessful, etc? If you want to explain it in greater detail I'd be able to give a better answer. You can leave a voicemail here:
Also, I noticed that I was charged 2x for the $ 25. 00 fee to subscribed to your substack blog. I was wondering why that is the case and if you can rectify this transaction for me!
I think the worse part about having the brain injury is that most of my psychiatric symptoms are much worse , and I was forced out of my graduate program with only one academic course to complete and an 500 hr internship and had not been able to return to addiction counseling field since having TBI . I feel lost !
Thanks for responding to my email message. I tend to have a negative belief system in how I sew myself and my life in general . This is partly due to having severe bipolar disorder and ADHD and recently being diagnosed with having sustained a brain injury in 22. My whole life has turned upside down due to the brain injury I sustained .
I had not heard of Daniel Kish before reading this! I am amazed by his story but not entirely surprised with what we know about neuroplasticity. When I first scanned this post and saw the bike video, I thought you were going to mention the backwards bike story--there's a YouTube video of a guy whose friends made a bike so that if he turned the handles to the left the bike turned to the right, and he turned the handles to the right the bike went to the left. He eventually learned how to ride it and then couldn't ride a normal bike because his brain had rewired!
Hello Dr. Warren,
How do I change my negative belief system and develop a more positive belief system? What is the most effective ways to change from a normative belief system to a positive one ?
Thank you ,
Hi Vinny! Do you mean to say you have a problem with negative thinking in general, or do you mean by "belief system" that you genuinely have a tendency to believe that things won't work out for you, that you're going to be unsuccessful, etc? If you want to explain it in greater detail I'd be able to give a better answer. You can leave a voicemail here:
Here's one of my favorite podcast episodes regarding the benefits of a positivity bias in your thinking:
Also, I noticed that I was charged 2x for the $ 25. 00 fee to subscribed to your substack blog. I was wondering why that is the case and if you can rectify this transaction for me!
Thank you,
Vinny Yannella
I think the worse part about having the brain injury is that most of my psychiatric symptoms are much worse , and I was forced out of my graduate program with only one academic course to complete and an 500 hr internship and had not been able to return to addiction counseling field since having TBI . I feel lost !
Hi Dr. Warren,
Thanks for responding to my email message. I tend to have a negative belief system in how I sew myself and my life in general . This is partly due to having severe bipolar disorder and ADHD and recently being diagnosed with having sustained a brain injury in 22. My whole life has turned upside down due to the brain injury I sustained .
I had not heard of Daniel Kish before reading this! I am amazed by his story but not entirely surprised with what we know about neuroplasticity. When I first scanned this post and saw the bike video, I thought you were going to mention the backwards bike story--there's a YouTube video of a guy whose friends made a bike so that if he turned the handles to the left the bike turned to the right, and he turned the handles to the right the bike went to the left. He eventually learned how to ride it and then couldn't ride a normal bike because his brain had rewired!